Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wow... I'm a bad person.

From my title you can tell that, I'm well... a VERY bad person. It's been like what? 2 months since my last post which wasn't exciting at all! I guess I just haven't been posting because I haven't been getting any feedback but I can't blame you guys at all because my posts aren't interesting! But now my life is so boring because I'm out of school (woot!) and no more finals! But I finished my year with an average of A's which is terrific! I'm such a nerd... But I haven't seen Peter in what, 2 weeks? Crazy right? And that also means my friends (except for Sandra) a lot has changed in the past two months, like Sandra and I made up, no school (no Allie!) Emily and I are probably better friends than I was with Samantha (it took me along time to stop being so jealous and self-conscious around her and to stop judging her but when I put all of that aside she is really an amazing friend and person and I'm so glad to be her friend, not to mention how ashamed I am for saying that about her when I didn't even know her!) and I'm going to camp next week for a week. Also the fact that I was talking to Sandra last month and she told me that she didn't want to hang out with Tanisha because she is too clingy and invites herself over to places, I feel bad for Tanisha, like I should tell her but I don't want to hurt her feelings or get into another fight with Sandra (wait... We never did get into a fight, just the cold shoulder.) but lately I feel like I've just been becoming a better person while others are not. I told sandra a while back that i liked Peter and a couple of other girls but the other girls never really cared, but I feel like ever since I told Sandra that I liked him she started flirting with him WAY more than she had ever done, I personally don't know if she has found the realization that she likes him too, is trying to protect me from my feelings getting hurt from him, kinda like a big sister (I know I've done that for her before when I felt that the boy wasn't a good enough person for her) or another reason. I need to talk to her on Friday because most of the time Peter doesn't come on Fridays but lately he has. WAIT! MAYBE HE LIKES HER AND HE'S JUST USING ME TO GET TO KNOW HER BETTER! he has moobs anyways... >^< not trying to rank on him or anything, it's just that I tend to put others down when I feel threatened, which is NOT good because that's what bullies do. :( anyway, this has gotten WAY too long so goodnight and sorry this is SO late, I just haven't been getting a lot of feedback. Goodnight! <3