Monday, August 20, 2012

I give up...

I give up on trying to post when I should, I'll post when I get to it; but anyway, camp was super amazing! It was seriously mad ish. <-- not my usual grammar... I swear. I'm going to tell you my schedule:
1st period: horsemanship
2nd: photography
3rd: archery
4th: bible
Now for their descriptions:
1: horsemanship was about learning to care for the horses, "train" them (for them to know if they can trust you) and on the last day we took a trail in the woods (which was surprisingly terrifying!) and my horse (Eyore) was the only horse that couldn't poop while trotting which sucks because I was always being left behind. :\
2: photography was really about taking pictures and giving the SD card to the instructor to burn it on a disc to give to our parents when they took us home. I was the only girl in that class so at sometimes it was awkward but the guys were really nice except for Tyler... He swore a CRAP LOAD and he climbed out of the window just because he didn't want to be in that class. I met this boy named Caleb and I know what your thinking... "what!? Who is this CALEB person? You can only talk about Peter!" well I'm sorry but Peter and I have just all of a sudden stopped texting after I think... Camp? No... Let me REALLY think. AHA! my dad canceled my phone service and that's what "broke us up" it's all his fault! So back to caleb, yeah he's really cute and he's a year older than me, we started texting immediately after I got home from camp and after a while of texting he told me that he loved me. I thought that was way too soon because I'm that kind of girl who needs to be your BEST friend before you say anything even remotely close to that, so I kinda freaked out and panicked and stop texting, him so I haven't texted him in more than a month.
3: my favorite instructor<3 Iesha is her name and we go to the same church, she's kinda crazy but I love her for it<3
4: so darn awkward... I told a girl that I was glad she would die... Basically... I'll explain... Well the pastor was making an example of how to not act (in a discriminating way) she said what if all the (idkherlastname's) died? Me: "thank goodness!" me: *realization of what I just said* 0_0 "I'm so sorry! You're so amazing and nice that's not what I meant to say! Omggggg! I'm soooooooooooo sorry! I didn't mean to say that I promise! Youresoamazingandeveryonelovesyouwillyoueverforgiveme!?!?!?!?!?!? Etc. I felt like a TOTAL DICK. and everyone just STARED. I couldn't blame them if someone said that about someone else I would stare in disbelief too! And the most popular girl in camp was there! :(
5: amazingest period ever! Technically the course is rock wall climbing AND zip-lining but whatevs. It was so amazing being up in the trees! It isn't really zip-lining technically... It's a challenge course that is connected to the rock wall and there are elements in between the zip-lines (elements are basically REALLY shaky bridges) and it was super fun I saw this kid there from last year who is a BEAST at rock wall climbing and I think he likes me? But idk... We had a great conversation and turns out he's dyslexic! I did not know that about him!
And lastly... My cabin!: I LOVED all of the girls who were in my cabin they were so amazing and I adored all of them<3 there was this one girl in particular that I think was the bestest friend a girl could ever have, OLIVIA. I swear we are like one soul, two bodies. I love her to death! And I'm saving her a spot in my cabin for next year no doubt! I hope this made up for my long absentees. Sorry, ;( i missed you guys! Oh! And don't forget to recommend makeup! Still waiting! It's only a few clicks and some typing away! It would mean the world to me! Thanks again! <3